Pasteurizer Skid
Pasteurization is the first stage of Crystallization. The Pasteurizer uses a Plate Heat Exchanger with a Heating Section, a Cooling Section, and an Economizer Section. The PHE Plates shall be of Stainless Steel AISI 316L, and a SS304 cladded frame. The oil from the Buffer Tank shall first pass through the economizer where it would be partially heated, then heated to the set temperature in the Heating Section, held for 16 seconds at that temperature and then cooled to the temperature required for the SSHE inlet. The pasteurizer ensures that no crystallization takes place before the product is shock chilled in the SSHE by heating the oil to eliminate the formation of grains in the product for Specialty fats. Moreover, pasteurization increases the shelf life of products with water and/or SMP (margarine). The Pasteurizer Skid shall be complete with controls for Hot and cold water with temperature control of +/- 0.5 °C.
Hot water from the Hot Water Generation System is used for heating the emulsion and cold water from the cooling tower for cooling. An automated Control Valve be provided in both the heating and cooling lines, which open proportionally to accurately maintain the set temperature. Strainers, Manual ball valves, air vents, safety relief valves, expansion tanks shall be provided to the heating and cooling lines. The Pasteurizer shall also provided with a pipeline to generate 16-20 seconds delay after heating.
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